Sainte Marie Hospital of Marie Galante - Guadeloupe French West Indies
In France, the High Authority for Health, known as Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS), is an independent scientific public authority. The HAS, by its French acronym, aims to develop quality in the health, social and medico-social fields, for the benefit of individuals. It works alongside the public authorities, informing their decisions with professionals to optimise their practices and organisations, and for the benefit of users, who are empowered to make their own choices. It was created by the French Health Insurance Act of 13 August 2004.
The aim of the certification process implemented by the High Authority for Health is to assess the quality and safety of the care and services provided by healthcare establishments in France, including the French Caribbean territories. In particular, it takes into account their internal organisation and patient satisfaction. It is a compulsory procedure that takes place every four (4) years.
Our establishment has been certified since 2018. The next certification visit for the Sainte-Marie Hospital is scheduled for 16 October 2023, and then in 2026 for our medico-social facilities.
The V2020 certification manual is divided into three (3) chapters:
Chapter I: The patient
Chapter II: The healthcare team
Chapter III: The establishment
Since January 2023, our establishment has benefited from the support of a Quality and Risk Management Engineer, present one week a month.
A V2020 audit was carried out, taking into account the results of the V2014 surveyors' report.
Reactivation of the quality committee meetings (restricted and extended) on Thursdays.
Appointment of a quality coordinator.
Creation of an Adverse Event Review Committee which meets every Thursday.
Reactivation of Experience Feedback Committees.
Reactivation of the BlueKango software (management of undesirable events and document management).
Review of processes.
Updating of procedures and protocols every four (4) years.
Display of Healthcare Quality and Safety Indicators (HQSI): satisfaction surveys during a hospital stay, pain assessment and management, indicators related to healthcare-associated infections, quality of the discharge liaison letter, keeping of patient record-keeping, etc.
Revision and updating of the Continuous Improvement Programme for Healthcare Quality and Safety.
Updating risk mapping.